Privacy and data management information

Privacy and data management information

Personal data is stored and handled by the Municipality of Miskolc County in accordance with the data protection laws. By using this website, the visitor of this website accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms of this data protection and privacy notice.

Scope of the controlled data

User personal information is  generated solely in connection with the visit to the website, only when the user provides certain information (name, address, e-mail address) to contact the editorial office. However, an information file, known as a "cookie" or "cookie", may be placed on the storage of the user  through its browser, which clearly identifies the user the next time he or she visits the site, and allows the traceability of his or her browsing on the website. This information file can be removed by the user at any time using his or her browser. For more information on how cookies are used, how they are  removed, please see our cookie policy.

The data controller

The Municipality of Miskolc has the right to manage, store and process the data.

  • Name: Local Government of Miskolc City of County Rank
  • Address: 3525 Miskolc, Városház tér 8.
  • Name of the contact person: dr. Zoltán Alakszai
  • Position of the contact person: Head of the Mayor’s Office of the Municipality of Miskolc City of County Rank
  • Email address: and/or

The Local Government of Miskolc City of County Rank is not responsible for any errors, omissions or deficiencies in the contents of this website, and excludes any claim for damages or warranty resulting from such faulty information service.

Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the Local Government of Miskolc City of County Rank

  • Name: dr. Eszter Csillag
  • Mailing address: 3525 Miskolc, Városház tér 8.
  • Email address:
  • Phone: +36208227008

Cookie policy

Personal information is not required to view the information published on the Internet at
The local government automatically records the following information about the visitors of the website: browser type, time of visit, page visited, operating system features of the browsing device (e.g. type, set language) address of the previously visited page.
This data is used by the Local Government solely for the purpose of analyzing the website and checking the secure operation of the website. Purpose of data management: During the visit to the website, the Local Government records the visitor data in order to check the secure operation of the website and to analyze the website. The legal basis of data processing: the consent of the data subject.
By accessing  if permitted by the browser settings you (the visitor) use and expressly approved by you the first time you visit the site, or at any time thereafter, the site may automatically save information from your computer or from your device used for browsing (tablet, smart phone, etc.) and may place so-called computer Cookies or other similar programs on it.


A cookie is a file that may be placed on your computer or other browsing device when a visitor visits a web page. Cookies retain information about your use of this website. Cookies have a variety of functions, including collecting information, memorizing user preferences, and giving the website owner the ability to learn about user habits and enhance the user experience. The purpose of controlling the data stored in the Cookies is to enhance the user experience and to improve the online services of the website. The cookies used on this website do not store personally identifiable information. You may disable the storing of Cookies in your browser.

What cookies do we use?
Some cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others are used to improve performance and user experience.

Absolutely necessary cookies
Some of the cookies we use are absolutely necessary for you to navigate through each site and view certain protected content.

Session Cookies
Session Cookies are temporary cookies that only remember your activity while you are on the site and expire when you close your web browser.

Permanent Cookies
Permanent Cookies are used to remember your preferences on your site and remain on your desktop or mobile device when you close your browser or restart your computer. We use these Cookies to analyze user activity in order to create visit patterns to improve the functionality of our site for you or others who visit our sites. These Cookies also allow us to serve targeted ads to you and to measure the effectiveness of the features and ads on our site.

Cookies for statistical purposes
Our staff and service providers also use analytics tools to measure the popularity of the site's content, what your visitors are interested in, by using statistical cookies we check how we can improve the site's performance, and how many individual users or how often visit our site.
We use these data solely for statistical purposes and do not identify visitors by name.

Third Party Cookie
We use the following third party Cookies:

Cookie   Description Unsubscribe link and more details about specific privacy policies
Google Analytics   To improve the user experience, we use Google Analytics to understand how our media campaigns work and how you use our site.
Hotjar Hotjar is a service that analyzes visitor behavior and feedback through a combination of analytics and feedback tools. Hotjar provides a "holistic view" to improve the end user experience and performance of the Hotjar-based website. The Hotjar-based website uses cookies to collect non-personal information, including standard Internet protocol data and end-user behavior patterns.


Most browsers allow you to see what cookies are active on your computer, delete them individually, or disable cookies for a particular page or all web pages. Please note that if you delete all Cookies, the settings you previously made on this site will be lost, including if you have previously indicated that you do not allow the use of Cookies, as this will require the use of some form of Cookies. For more information on how to disable cookies by changing your browser settings, visit and .

You may reject or block all or certain cookies downloaded by visiting this site. You can change your browser settings to change the settings for the website of the Local Government or any external vendor. Please note that most browsers automatically accept cookies. Therefore, if you do not want to allow the use of cookies, you must disable them by clicking on the "do not allow" button in the popup window. If you decline the use of Cookies, you will still be able to visit our sites, but some features may not work properly. If you would like to view the contents of the cookie, click on the cookie itself and it will open. You will see a short line of text and numbers.

This cookie policy may be modified or supplemented at any time at our sole discretion. As the policy changes, we will also update the "Last Modified" date at the top of the page.
The modified cookie policy will apply to you and your data as of that date. Please check regularly for changes to this cookie policy so you can stay informed about how we protect your information.

The function and significance of cookies are detailed below:


“This cookie is a security cookie designed to prevent attacks called cross-site request forgery. This attack is about someone sending, for example, a POST request to a page from a foreign site or possibly through a program and not having this token, the system will reject the request because it considers it an untrusted source. This can eliminate a significant part of the attacks. ”

If you do not request the cookie:

“In this case, your requests will be rejected. For example, if you would like to fill in a connection form but have not enabled the use of a cookie, the system will disconnect the connection from an unsafe source and you will not be able to use the services properly. "


"The cookie has a hash code that the server generates before each request, it is therefore virtually impossible to forge it and no information about the user of the system can be traced since it is not stored on the server page."

Cookies refer to the following information:


The following information is never stored on the user's computer. What is stored on the user's computer is just a hash "token" of the cookie that tells the server side which data to access, but this token definitely identifies the following data on the server side:

  • Session history: previous page
  • During registration, the results of pre-screening questions and registration data, but only until the end of the registration, then they are deleted.
  • After logging in, the fact of logging in, and the Anonymous, Hashed Information needed to identify the user. (Requests include knowing who we are communicating with, as we would not know which user is working on the site)
  • A token generated from the properties of the user's computer. It is not suitable for identification because we do not store this information, but only hash it in one direction. All requests are hashed from any computer, but if the hash of a request is the same as the hash of another request, then we know that it is the same session. This is how we can track sessions. (Multiple users can log in one at a time, in which case the session is the same but the user is different, so the session cannot be authenticated.)
  • Referrer: where you came from to the site.
  • The information collected by cookies is managed by the operator.